Fee : 5400 (US $ 90) :
7 Text  lessons in .pdf format 
sent through email
5 video class links

Course Package :
5 Video class links
7 Text lessons in .pdf format

Course Highlights
It is used like Reiki systems.
It is simple to learn.
It can help solving mental, physical and emotional issues.
No gadget is required; hence most economic to use.
It can be used to help family and friends.
Diploma is issued in .pdf format at the end of the course.


Angel Reiki is a powerful love rich system to connect to the Angels & make best use of the Usui Reiki System. The traditional four Reiki symbols are incorporated; each is associated with one of the four Archangels. One can use it standalone or with any other system.

Angels are by their very nature very protective & pure beings of light who want us to be happy and healthy. Angels are both a manifestation of the power of God as well as personifications of that power. Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy and every creed. In fact angels have no religion as we know it. Their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth.

Most angels do not generally interact with humans unless specifically asked. We all have free will and are masters of our own lives, the angels respect that and will never come to us to impose on our free wills. We need to ask them to help heal us; they do not impose themselves on us. However when we are ready to work with them, the change is amazing, they make everything the best it can be, if we are ready to work with them they do not want anything back but our own happiness and gratitude.

Guardian Angels are always with us. To a normal man they are the most accessible & hence they are called for protection.

Archangels take particular interest in humans, assisting and strengthening them. Angels are non-denominational; they come to us straight away when we ask for help or healing. They bring pure and high vibration energies and facilitate the healing to take place. Angels are the loving messengers of God; they always come when you ask with a pure heart for their assistance. Angels work irrespective of religion, caste & creed.

With the help of Angels, you will soon find not only the energy will flow stronger, but miracles will take place if you let it.

Benefits of Angel Reiki
1.         Promotes Health and Wellbeing : Angelic Reiki over time can promote better overall health. It is a known fact that a body that is imbalanced is more prone to disease. Allow the body to return to balance and full health will return.
2.         Encourages Mental Clarity : Angelic Reiki can eventually assist in giving better clarity.
3.         Assists with Pain Management : Angelic Reiki assists with the management of pain, discomfort and restlessness.
4.         Releases Stress and Tension : Angelic Reiki promotes relaxation and proper grounding. Imagine feeling connected to mother earth no matter what circumstances you are in.
5.         Relieves Depression : Angelic Reiki over time can promote better moods and return balance to emotional wellness.
6.         Reduces Anxiety : Angelic Reiki can reduce emotional anxiety by addressing the issues that create the anxiety at its source
7.         Aides Relaxation : Angelic Reiki can assist in allowing the ability to relax to be more prominent in peoples emotional state.
8.         Improves Sleep : Angelic Reiki over time will allow mental chatter at bedtime to diminish thus allowing sleep to be deeper and more effective.
9.         Promotes Better Digestion : Angelic Reiki over time can assist in the body being more efficient in digesting dense foods and allowing oneself to feel lighter and less dense
10.     Strengthens Self-Esteem : Angelic Reiki over time can promote better emotional balance thus leading to an increase in confidence and self worth.
11.       Heightens Self-Awareness and Intuition : Angelic Reiki over time will open chakras and allow a deeper connection to spirit and higher beings.
12.     Offers Support for Substance Abuse Recovery : Angelic Reiki clears the chakras of dark, dense energy and allows a more positive, cheerful wellbeing to settle in.


Lesson         Topic
1             Angel Reiki System explained, Benefits of Angel Reiki system,  4 Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel) explained
2             More Archangels (Azriel, Chamuel, Haniel, Ariel, Metatron, Zadkiel, Jeremiel, Jophiel, Raguel, Raziel, Sandalphon, Barachiel) explained
3             Angel Reiki Healing Session
4             Angel Reiki Attunement process
5             How to prepare Chi Ball for Attunement
6.            Angels and Numbers and Number Series
7            Angles and Coimbination of Numbers